Why I Think Everyone Should Try Computer Science

The world needs more software engineers

WhyLearn Tech
5 min readMay 4, 2021

In my short time in this field, I have found computer science to be one of the most rewarding, interesting, and fulfilling fields out there. Lots of people for various reasons seem reluctant or uninterested in giving this career a chance. I’m hoping to change people’s minds so that they give coding/software development a chance.

The Future is Interesting and Moving Quickly. And Written in Code.

Let’s just have a glance at some of the recent headlines.

  • Bitcoin reaches an all time high
  • Video clips on NBA Top Shot recently sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars
  • The stock of a company that is developing a car that can drive itself is up 400% in the last year(Tesla)
  • Social Networks use artificial intelligence to make algorithms designed to keep our attention( as seen in the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma)
  • 5G is changing and enhancing the way devices across the world communicate

At some level, a lot of this is implemented by software developers writing code. These industries are interesting to read about, and growing rapidly. Having knowledge of…



WhyLearn Tech

Software Developer with interest in new tech, education, and writing. My goal is to connect with other developers and bring more people into the tech field.