Is “Quiet Quitting” at Your Job Actually A Bad Idea?

Examining the Controversial Phenomenon as a Young Professional

WhyLearn Tech
6 min readJun 20, 2024

It’s that time of year again … performance review time!! There’s reason to be optimistic. You have been working long hours, taking extra meetings, and doing everything you can to go above and beyond in your current role.

Your boss enters the room:

“Let’s get to the review. You had a really great year, delivering and often over delivering on most of your objectives. Our company values your contributions and dedication to the company. For this we are excited to give you a raise this year.”

Employee: “Excellent! Let’s hear it”

Boss: “For all your hard work, we are prepared to give you a 4% raise. During tight times, this is a large raise for us. Keep up the good work!”

Employee: “……..”

***Goes home and Googles How to Become a Quiet Quitter***

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

This is an all too common occurrence in todays work environment. With all the new tech layoffs and tighter economic times, companies are often in control and can be stingy with raises. Often times, these raises aren’t even consistent with inflation. This can make it demoralizing and demotivate employees to put in the extra work.



WhyLearn Tech

Software Developer with interest in new tech, education, and writing. My goal is to connect with other developers and bring more people into the tech field.